Does God speak? Where, how, when and what difference does it make? Why should I listen? How can we be sure? What does Jesus have to do with it? How should we respond to God speaking? How can a dusty, 2000-year-old book claim to be the living ‘word of God’? What does ‘God’s word written’ mean? Don’t we need something more immediate and relevant, that bears scrutiny under 21st century scepticism and answer 21st century questions?
Monday Evenings 7-9pm
Session One 20th Jan: 7pm - 9pm, Stranmillis College, Belfast
God Speaks 1.
7pm - 7.50pm: Why does it matter that God speaks?
8pm - 8.50pm: What do we mean when we say that God speaks?
Session Three, 27th Jan: 7pm - 9pm, Stranmillis College, Belfast
God Speaks 3.
7pm - 7.50pm: The gospel mission - what does this whole thing have to do with me and the world
8pm - 8.50pm: From speaking to writing - how can we say, "God's word written"?
Tuesday or Thursday Evenings 7-9pm
Session Two, Tuesday 21st January OR Thursday 23rd January, 7-9pm, Stranmillis College, Belfast
God speaks 2.
7pm - 7.50pm: The dynamic behind human history 8pm - 8.50pm: The uniqueness of Jesus Christ - why such a man?
Session Four, Tuesday 28th January OR Thursday 30th January, 7-9pm, Stranmillis College, Belfast
God speaks 4.
7pm - 7.50pm: The truthfulness, clarity and authority of the Bible
8pm - 8.50pm: The art of listening